We, the editorial team of the Media Peternakan journal, herewith express our commitment to open access and free dissemination of scientific knowledge for all parties. We adhere firmly to the principles of cooperation and knowledge exchange within the scientific community and strive to promote equitable access to our research results. Therefore, we adopt a policy of open access and provide free access, without financial restrictions, to all articles published in the journal Media Peternakan.

This statement includes our commitment to:

1. Publish all articles in the Media Peternakan in open access format, allowing anyone to read, download, print, and use the articles without financial constraints.
2. Ensure that published articles areined through a rigorous and professional peer review process.
3. Take into account copyright and the existence of a license that is appropriate to the needs of the author and the reader.
4. Using a Creative Commons license that allows authors to retain copyright and give readers permission to use, distribute, and adapt articles on the condition that they still attribute to the original author.
5. Provides an open archive for all published articles thus enabling easy and sustainable access for researchers, practitioners, and the general public.
6. Encourage collaboration and exchange of knowledge with other institutions and scientific communities to broaden the impact of research in the field of farming.

We believe that by implementing open access, we can our primary goal of promoting scientific progress, accelerating innovation, and improving the global animal welfare.